850 employees, 114 years of experience, and one mission
As one of Germany’s oldest and largest construction service providers, the Lupp corporate group has stood for building quality and competence for 4 generations. Our 850 employees carry out a wide range of ambitious projects throughout Germany and beyond from our headquarters in Nidda near Frankfurt.
Our aim has always been to be among the best in everything we do. Because of this, we build on our experience from over 100 years of company history, combining it with state of the art construction technology. Our services range from development to building to operation, covering the entire real estate life cycle. The issue of sustainability is of central importance at Lupp, with the goal of reducing consumption of energy and resources to a minimum throughout all of a building’s life cycle phases. Our mission: we build the future.
Lupp by the numbers
Lupp is a family company that was founded in 1910. From a small bricklaying company, it has developed into one of Germany’s largest mid-sized construction service providers. As a general contractor, Lupp is able to handle almost all work areas when carrying out building projects, and cover the entire life cycle of a property from a process-oriented standpoint.
1 | mission: we build the future |
4 | generations |
12 | companies |
13 | locations |
20 | countries in company history |
40 | football fields-size of the company premises |
50 | construction sites worldwide on average |
114 | year success story |
189 | meter – highest building constructed |
850 | employees |
2.300 | contracts to subcontractors and suppliers per year |
38.000 | tons of steel per year |
240.000 | cubic metres of concrete per year |
5.575.533 | kilowatt hours of electricity per year |
600.000.000 | euro annual output |
Into a future of success together
YANN LUPP, Partner
MATTHIAS KAUFMANN, Managing director
THOMAS LUPP, Advisory board chairman
SINA LUPP, Partner
MICHAEL FUCHS, Technical director
THILO MOSER, Technical director
Our locations
Head office, subsidiaries, branches
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Head office Nidda |
Alois-Thums-Straße 1-3 63667 Nidda Phone: +49 60 43 – 807 0 E-Mail: info@lupp.de |
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Berlin branch |
Rudower Chaussee 54 12489 Berlin Phone: +49 30 – 639 229 50 E-Mail: berlin@lupp.de |
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Hamburg branch |
Gasstraße 12 22761 Hamburg Phone: +49 40 – 890 693 75 E-Mail: hamburg@lupp.de |
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Bad Neustadt branch |
Siemensstraße 16 97616 Bad Neustadt Phone: +49 9771 – 630650 E-Mail: bad-neustadt@lupp.de |
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Gießen branch |
Friedrich-List-Straße 21 35398 Gießen Phone +49 641 – 968 03 E-Mail: giessen@lupp.de |
Adolf Lupp Projekt d.o.o. | Ul. Ive Senjanina 12 23000, Zadar, Croatia E-Mail: kroatien@lupp.de |
Lupp – more than a construction company
We have been building the future for over 100 years. We do more than just classic construction. Our services also include project development that begins long before construction does, as well as comprehensive operation of the new building to ensure long-term value preservation. By doing so, we succeed in optimally coordinating all processes throughout the entire life cycle of a property. Highly specialised teams are available to serve you in the individual areas of development, building, and operations at our main company and at Lupp corporate group subsidiaries. We have a total of 13 locations – 11 within Germany and two abroad:
Lupp Netzbau
Line and underground construction
Lupp FM Services
Facility Management

Lupp Bau- und
Constructive prefabricated parts
Transport Logistik
Transport and logistics
TLO Autoservice
Car workshop
TLO Truckservice
Truck workshop

Tank- und Service
114 years of Lupp
Our company’s story began 114 years ago: a small family company, its first horse, 10 employees. On that foundation, we lay the cornerstone for a corporate group that continues to shape our region. Today, Lupp is one of Germany’s largest mid-sized construction service providers with approx. 850 employees, and has stood for building quality and competence for 4 generations.
Adolf Lupp becomes self-employed after completion of his two-year military service and registers a bricklayer business in Nidda at the Mühlstraße 24.
Adolf Lupp passes his examination as a master craftsman to be able to train apprentices. A horse and cart are purchased to carry the necessary construction material.
Start of World War I. Construction works are suspended since Adolf has been drafted as a soldier for four years.
The son of the master bricklayer Adolf Lupp and his spouse Emma Lupp is born on 29 January, also named Adolf.
Adolf Lupp returns from the War.
Activities of the bricklaying business are continued, and the first apprentices are hired.
The second son of Adolf and Emma Lupp, Karl Ludwig, is born on 14 April.
Inflation period. Master mason Adolf Lupp supervises the construction of the District Office in Büdingen. Much money of little value is paid for construction work.
Expansion of the machinery with a staff of 10 to 15.
Start of initial construction activities for the paper mill in Ober-Schmitten.
Construction of new residential buildings in Nidda and vicinity.
High unemployment rate, public relief works in Nidda.
Adolf Lupp, Jr., commences his studies at the Technische Hochschule (technical university) Darmstadt.
Acquisition of the first own truck.
The pre-war boom continues. There is a lot of activity at the troop exercise areas and on Harb’s military airport. The company employs already more than 100 workers.
Karl Ludwig Lupp begins his academic studies as an engineer in Mainz.
Adolf Lupp, Jr., is conscripted into the German army. Start of World War II.
Karl Ludwig Lupp passes his examination as a civil engineer in Mainz, enters the armed forces and is in combat.
Registration of the construction company Lupp in the Commercial Registry. Foundation of a branch in Frankfurt on the Main.
Birth of Henning Lupp, son of Adolf, Jr., and Hildegard Lupp on 26 April. In the same year, Adolf Lupp, Jr., has been reported as missing in action.
Karl Ludwig Lupp returns from the War unharmed and takes charge of the company’s Frankfurt branch.
Lupp constructs large buildings, partially in the form of joint ventures.
The constantly expanding contract volume demands more executive managers. Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Buss is appointed head of the Frankfurt branch; civil engineer Richard Müller is appointed Chief Construction Manager.
The founder and senior partner Adolf Lupp dies after a brief illness. Karl Ludwig Lupp directs the vigorously expanding building firm; he is 31 years old. Erhard Ulrich joins the company as Commercial Director.
The number of employees has risen to more than 200. Thomas, the son of Karl Ludwig Lupp and his wife Christa, is born. The business premises are transferred to Schloßgasse 34 in Nidda.
Purchase of a property in Frankfurt for a new administrative building.
Lupp construction company employs more than 500 people now.
Lupp builds its first prestressed concrete bridge over the Nidder in Altenstadt. 50th anniversary of the Lupp construction firm.
Founding of the Oberhessisches Spannbetonwerk GmbH subsidiary company. Construction of factory workshops and a prestressing line of 100 meters in length in Nidda-Harb.
Dipl.-Ing. Richard Müller is appointed Technical Director. Erhard Ulrich is appointed Commercial Director.
First major turnkey project in the form of construction of a secondary school in Büdingen.
Construction of bridges and passages for the Frankfurt–Giessen–Siegen autobahn highway.
Lupp constructs the largest chipboard plant in Europe for Hornitex in Nidda.
he first in-house journal is published: “Unser Firmenspiegel” (Our Company Mirror).
The first computer is utilised. Construction of another factory workshop for the production of prestressed ready-made bridge girders.
The number of employees adds up to more than 700 now.
Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Buss retires after 21 years of service. His successor at the Frankfurt branch is Dipl.-Ing. Horst Fleischer.
Lupp moves into the new administrative building in Nidda-Harb. The Lupp company’s move from the historical centre area of Nidda is now concluded.
First construction site abroad in Tobruk, Libya: a ship lifting system is built. Dipl.-Ing. Horst Fleischer is appointed Technical Director.
Thomas Lupp commences working for Lupp after concluding his studies in civil engineering at the TH Darmstadt (technical university). A permanent office is established in Berlin.
Opening of a branch office in Haiti. Foreign contracts are completed in Libya and Algeria.
Henning Lupp, son of Adolf Lupp jun., engineer and graduate in business administration, joins the family firm. Thomas and Henning Lupp are appointed Directors. Ulla Lupp, graduate in business administration, starts her activity as a business economist.
Shift of activities toward sewage plants and commercial housing construction.
Sina and Yann, children of Thomas and Ulla Lupp, the 4th generation of the family company are born.
Start of building activities in the new federal states in Eastern Germany. Opening of branches in Merseburg/Saxony-Anhalt and Gotha/Thuringia.
Annex to the office building in Nidda-Harb, built owing to increased space requirement.
Lupp obtains a contract for a ferroconcrete building in Ghana and is one of the biggest road builders in Ghana.
Lupp is awarded the contract for a bridge made of pre-cast segments, the longest ever, at a length of 207 metres. More contracts abroad in El Salvador and Haiti. Dipl.-Ing. Hans Ritz is appointed Director.
Senior partner Karl Ludwig Lupp dies after a brief illness, on 17 April. Founding of TLO GmbH.
Lupp is awarded a 40 million DM contract in Belize (Central America) to plan a completely new town for 10,000 inhabitants and to carry out the complete infrastructure work. Stefan Hasenstab is hired as Controlling Manager and becomes the successor of the commercial signatory Fritz Ulbrich.
TSO GmbH, a subsidiary of the Lupp group of companies, opens the “Sprit Point” petrol filling station.
Founding of LBI Bau- und Immobilienmanagement GmbH (construction and property management). Execution of initial contracting commissions.
Founding of Lupp Construction Romania S.R.L.
Stefan Hasenstab is appointed Commercial Director.
GFounding of Lupp Angola Lda. Opening of the branch office in Marktheidenfeld. Henning Lupp dies at the age of only 62.
Lupp Project Transylvania S.R.L. starts operations in Cluj, Romania.
Lupp Rohrleitungsbau GmbH with its headquarters in Frankfurt commences operations. Attorney Klaus Depold is appointed Director. Lupp is awarded the prize as “Training Company of the Year for 2008.”
Founding of Lupp Middle East LLC in Oman in a partnership.
Founding of VL Baumanagement GmbH in a joint venture with Volksbank Mittelhessen. Celebration on the occasion of the 100th anniversary.
Thilo Moser is appointed as Technical Manager.
Foundation of Lupp International Qatar LLC
nimo Lupp Ltd. Is founded in Algeria alongside local partner nimo Construction. Matthias Kaufmann is appointed Commercial Manager and Michael Fuchs is appointed Technical Manager.
The companies Lupp Rohrleitungsbau GmbH and Neubecker und Wagner Bau GmbH merge to become Lupp Netzbau GmbH. Lupp and architectural firm IHT found the project development company Riedberg III. Thomas Lupp leaves general management after 32 years.
The newly founded company Advisory Board begins its work under the chairmanship of Thomas Lupp.
Lupp constructs the Omniturm, the tallest building in the company’s history as yet at 189 meters.
Shareholders Sina and Yann Lupp receive power of representation and become authorised signatories. Lupp Netzbau moves into a site in Bad Vilbel which was newly constructed by Lupp. The headquarters in Nidda is modernised and expanded with a four-story annex. Adolf Lupp Projekt d.o.o. is founded in Croatia. Mia Alin is born, the daughter of Sina Lupp and her husband Mark Sztyndera-Lupp.
Alia Mayla is born, the daughter of Sina Lupp and her husband Mark Sztyndera-Lupp. The Lupp corporate group employs 750 workers.
Yann Leon Lupp ist born, the son of Yann Lupp and his wife Petra Nippgen-Lupp.